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A visit to Arlinsport [COR - MCRA]

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Sir James made his way along one of the jetties of Arlinsport, accompanied by Billy, one of the youngest members of his crew. With trade among the islands flourishing and growth booming, the docks were full of fishmongers peddling their latest catches and in places there was hardly enough room to pass without fear of falling into the harbor. But amongst the hustle of the street Sir James spied out Gibson and hailed to him.

"Come immediately to Arlinsport", Sir James thought, was easier said than done, seeing as he had built his fort in the easternmost island of the Corrington empire. Perhaps Gibson, acting Captain of the Jezebel was unaware of the distances involved when he sent the message, but I can't keep criss-crossing across the seas every month.

25044724853_b564f5346b_z.jpgTradeInThePort, on Flickr

Sir James had been anxious for news from his ships after the recent hurricane. He had not been able to Captain Jezebel himself, for the last trade run, owing to need to oversee the construction of the fort. But now the ships had finished the business, unharmed by both the hurricane and pirates, although it seemed that Jezebel had narrowly escaped two pirate ships.

Gibson led Sir James into one of the harbor-side buildings to conduct their business.

“We’ve had a good innings with the trade this month” Gibson gestured to the coffer in the corner. “We had a stroke of luck in Terelli with Jezebel, the money we’ve made there should fund the investments you’ve planned for the new world for many months to come” They settled down to go through the monthly accounts.

“Perhaps” replied Sir James, as he glanced over the ship’s log, “but a man’s fortune can change in an instant on the seas, it mightn’t be wise to spend it all at once”.

The business of checking the books took some time, a tedious but necessary business and the conversation was not much more riveting so I’ll not bore you with more of the details. After they were done Sir James rose, took a couple of doubloons from the recently counted pile and made for the door, “perhaps you’ll accompany me for a drink in the Crossed Swords before I depart? Billy can take care this lot gets back to the ship. We’ll sail again in the morning, we must get going if we are to progress with our plans.”

25645525246_24f38a85a4_z.jpgAMeetingInside, on Flickr

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You sure made some DBs that last MCRA, I mean look at all the diamonds in the water! pirate_oh.gifthumbup.gif

Neat little build,

keep up the good work!

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Great busy scene, I like that you've included an interior part as well

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Neat little build. The railings are really nice and the water looks good. I like the fact that the facade is detailed inside and out, which is unusual on builds like this. That's a good collection of minifigs for the amount of space. Keep it up.

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