
Your First LEGO Set

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I got a good idea for a new sort of game thing.

My first LEGO set was:


NAME: Eagle Stunt Flyer

YEAR: 1996 (yeah, I'm a little bit of a newbie compared to most people here)

RATING: *skull* *skull* *skull* *skull* out of *skull* *skull* *skull* *skull* *skull*

What was you first set? (roughly following the format in red)

Edited by oo7

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I think. My brother and I got about 5 or 6 sets at the same time when my parents came back from a trip to Germany. This one seems most familiar.

Altenatively it was this one, which is still at my parents' how 35 years and two countries later. My kids have played with it.


Either way, my Lego love affair began in 1971. Probly before most of the people on EB were born.

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My first nondouplo and first lego set that I can remember was 6880

I was 5 at the time. That was such a great set. *y* It alone spawned my ongoing love affair with lego *wub*

NAME: surface explorer

YEAR: 1980?

RATING: *skull* *skull* *skull* *skull* *skull* out of *skull* *skull* *skull* *skull* *skull*

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I got a good idea for a new game thing.

My first LEGO set was:


NAME: Eagle Stunt Flyer

YEAR: 1996 (yeah, I'm a little bit of a Newbie compared to most people here)

RATING: *skull* *skull* *skull* *skull* out of *skull* *skull* *skull* *skull* *skull*

What was you first set? (following the format in red)

No kidding? That is the first LEGO set I built (I received two sets) when I turned six. After that I was hooked. The other one is 6555: Sea Hunter.

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Altenatively it was this one, which is still at my parents' how 35 years and two countries later. My kids have played with it.


Either way, my Lego love affair began in 1971. Probly before most of the people on EB were born.


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I got a good idea for a new game thing.

But alas its not new... Read... How did you become interested in LEGO?

If everyone strictly follows my format in the red text it shall be different than that thread because many people went off topic without telling their actual first set (It's not worth going into the details) |-/

But if you really want I can change the disscusion topic in ths thread to "Did you own Duplo, and if so, what was your first set?" :-P

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If everyone strictly follows my format in the red text it shall be different than that thread because many people went off topic without telling their actual first set (It's not worth going into the details) |-/

But if you really want I can change the disscusion topic in ths thread to "Did you own Duplo, and if so, what was your first set?" :-P

I suppose it would help to designate some guidelines. Any lego product or specific line of products because I had douplo and a fabuland set before system? I just don't remember the exact sets though.

I just guess the game aspect wasn't obvious to us or at least me.

I'm geussing just list and rate your first memorable set?

ps. I added a rating to my previous post and the only pic I found was probably to large to post here

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But if you really want I can change the disscusion topic in ths thread to "Did you own Duplo, and if so, what was your first set?" :-P

Nah, its fine. I was just pointing out the other thread because its related to this one.

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NAME: Loader hopper with truck

YEAR: 1971

RATING: *skull* *skull* *skull* *skull* *skull* out of *skull* *skull* *skull* *skull* *skull*

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My game is dead :'-(

EDIT- Yay! It's revived now!

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Name: Basic Building Set, 5 + (<-- click)

Year: 1990

Rating: *skull* *skull* *skull* *skull* out of *skull* *skull* *skull* *skull* *skull*

I also remember getting some kind of construction set which my dad glued together...but I think I got this one first.

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This was my first set:


Does that make me old?

and then my first system set:


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I know my first lego product was a small chest of BASIC Lego. I still remember it... but Lugnet doesn't have it (and if it does I can't find it).

As for set... I really have no idea! I have a few I can trace back far... but none that sticks out.

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Since oo7's thread is similar I suggest to continue here, "game-wise" or not :-)

and then my first system set:

pic of Exxon Station


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Since oo7's thread is similar I suggest to continue here, "game-wise" or not :-)


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Ready to cringe?

I sold the exxon figs on eBay when I was stupid, I mean younger...

That sound you hear is me kicking myself repeatedly.




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Thanks for the sympathy cringe and tears...

Thinking about it again, I think I'm going to... :-X

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Ready to cringe?

I sold the exxon figs on eBay when I was stupid, I mean younger...

That sound you hear is me kicking myself repeatedly.

i'm afraid many of us, early Lego fans, went through the same kind of experience, so you're not alone! :'-)

I can't remember very well what my first set was, but I think, and this will not surprise you, I think these two space sets were the first:



I don't know anymore which one i opened first. considering the fact that I got them for my birthday, and were probably wrapped in paper, i'd say the one with the largest box... :-P

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my first few sets where fabuland!

this i think was the first.


i still have a few parts and the baseplate!

my first system set as i remember it is this one


i have this build on my library! the shields are worn out and i lost a couple of pieces but its still alive and well!!

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i'm afraid many of us, early Lego fans, went through the same kind of experience, so you're not alone! :'-)

Thank you! That does make me feel better...

my first few sets where fabuland!

Thank you phoinix, how could I forget my first Fabuland sets? Boy that airport was cool, huh?

This was my first Fabuland set:


followed shortly (all on Christmas morning) by this one:


:'-) I actually do get choked up and nostalgic thinking about it! Oh I loved those boxes! As a kid, even after I had built the sets, I would stare at those boxes for hours. I kept them all under my bed, I had a captain's bed, so there was a ton of room to store stuff underneath. I came home from school one day and my Mom had thrown all of the boxes away. Not even therapy has helped me to forgive her for that...

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First set, 6667:


NAME: Pothole Patcher

YEAR: 1993

RATING: *skull* *skull* *skull* *skull* out of *skull* *skull* *skull* *skull* *skull*

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I don't have the slightest clue what was my first set :-( . But I can tell you, I've been hooked onto lego for a loooooong time.

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