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[M-F02] The Missing Ship

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Location: F02 Anomaly, en route to Lesser Drigo (F02)

Tags: Spaceship, Building (Spaceship interior)


Mantis Science Vessel Horizon


static_zpspf3bscaw.jpg "Mayday Ma..shhhhc...., th..shhrrrk.. Kaigun-shosa Hoshi of the Haysui-Maru. Navigation...cccrrrkkkss...lsion system failures. Request assistance from an...shhhrrriiss...essel. Salvage costs will be reim...sshhhrrttkk...hrrrrkkk....nerable Kawashita Corporation."


static_zpspf3bscaw.jpg "Mayday Ma..shhhhc...., th..shhrrrk.. Kaigun-shosa Hoshi of the Haysui-Maru. Navigation...cccrrrkkkss...lsion system failures. Request assistance from an...shhhrrriiss...essel. Salvage costs will be reim...sshhhrrttkk...hrrrrkkk....nerable Kawashita Corporation."

MSV Horizon Signals Analysis Lab


DrFields_zpsiedfcvwo.jpg "Computer, replay one more time."

static_zpspf3bscaw.jpg "Mayday Ma..shhhhc...., th..shhrrrk.. Kaigun-shosa Hoshi of the Haysui-Maru. Navigation...cccrrrkkkss...lsion system failures. Request assistance from an...shhhrrriiss...essel. Salvage costs will be reim...sshhhrrttkk...hrrrrkkk....nerable Kawashita Corporation."

Keynes_zps7emvqgtn.jpg “Doctor! Any progress?


DrFields_zpsiedfcvwo.jpg "Sir! We've had the AI core process and re-process the signal and it is certainly genuine but we're still unsure as to exactly where it came from. It's a broad-wave signal so should be relatively short range."

moose_zpshtneimaq.jpg "But our search of the E01 sector turned up nothing."


DrF2_zpsjqfcdrbx.jpg "Yes and the signal cut off almost as soon as it started. We've been looking into a few other, more outlandish possibilities. Analyst Carlson here has the current leading hypothesis."

Keynes_zps7emvqgtn.jpg “Let's hear it!


analyst_zpsfmkvzer2.jpg "Well Sir, given it was a broadwave it should obey the inverse square law. Given our distance from Kawashita's main area of operations, if that were the origin such a signal should take millennia to get here and be virtually undetectable when it did. And, since no trace of the signals origin could be found in sector E01 that raises one very interesting possibility."

Keynes_zps7emvqgtn.jpg “Which is?

analyst_zpsfmkvzer2.jpg "That Kawashita space is closer than we think?"

moose_zpshtneimaq.jpg "But I've been there, all the way to E-11. It definitely was a long way."

analyst_zpsfmkvzer2.jpg "In a flat space-time yes. But consider the true effect of the GATE drive, everyone things of it as a magical propulsion system, but there no action-reaction, it's not really propelling anything at all."

Keynes_zps7emvqgtn.jpg “Okay, in simple words that Moose will understand, what's your hypothesis?!

analyst_zpsfmkvzer2.jpg "The GATE works by effectively pinching together two gravitational anomalies. For the brief second the drive is active the ship, and the associated areas of spacetime at the origin and destination occupy a single point."

analyst_zpsfmkvzer2.jpg "We've seen the effect of GATE malfunctions where the field has collapsed splitting ships, and their contents, between two anomalies."

moose_zpshtneimaq.jpg "Ugh, yeah, those aren't pretty."

analyst_zpsfmkvzer2.jpg "Well I'm convinced there are several other possible outcomes of a GATE field instability. Including the potential to link to more than one anomaly, or perhaps more worryingly, persist in a state of superposition."

Keynes_zps7emvqgtn.jpg “Meaning?!

analyst_zpsfmkvzer2.jpg "Analysis from the Recon drones shows that as the OSS Profit jumped at E01 there was an anomaly in the GATE field which persisted for the duration of the received transmission."

analyst_zpsfmkvzer2.jpg "So either, the Profit's Jump briefly linked E01 to Kawashita space, or perhaps to the Hasui-Maru herself. I've had the AI core crunching both possibilities."


Computer: "Probability of the first event is 0.13, probability of the second is 0.52. However figures cannot be verified with standard GATE transit models, predicted probabilities may be in error by up to 0.5"

Keynes_zps7emvqgtn.jpg “Moose, I'm assigning you to the Horizon effective immediately. Your priority is to find that ship. I have been in contact with Kawashita and the Hasui-Maru is indeed missing, it vanished during a GATE jump from Serium to Orinishi. We must understand the causes to prevent a similar fate befalling any of our ships.






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