
Nestlands Clans Embassy in Nocturnus: Lord Vladivus' Visit, part 2

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In the GOH timeline, these events happened mere hours after the events in Nestlands Clans Embassy in Nocturnus: Lord Vladivus' Visit, part 1.



Ambassador Bloodmane: It took quite some work to clear the blood fountain of what the Drow had done to it. I'm told it is one of Danag's original fountains.

Lord Vladivus: Is that what I think it is?


Ambassador Bloodmane: Aye, but I must caution you with its use. Once summoned it will only do your bidding once, and then it will escape back to its own realm. This war of yours will be a hard one, and you will incur some losses. You should keep this in reserve until your need is greatest.

Lord Vladivus: I will keep that in mind. This has been a pleasant and fruitful trip, but Shadowmere and the war beckon.

Ambassador Bloodmane: Well then, I'll have my people carry these to your zombies.

Lord Vladivus: Kasalia, I will be leaving now.

Librarian Kasalia mutters an unintelligible reply without even looking up from the scroll she is examining. Lord Vladivus shrugs.

Lord Vladivus: Take care of her.

Ambassador Bloodmane: She'll be safe here.


Upstairs in the study area before the Nestlands Embassy Grand Library:

Twali: Mistress, do we stay?

Librarian Kasalia: We stay. You guard.

She gives a sidelong glance at the Avalonian mage to her left, sniffing the air to get a sense of his power.


Nolan Baar, a minor mage from central Avalonia, is here to study the raising of phantasms and specters. His aim is to use these to patrol the remaining Drow tunnels in Avalonia.

Nolan Baar: Such bounty in this place. Food and knowledge.


Nolan needs to be a bit more careful, as his sword is about to knock over the game board. It is an odd conquest game that Nolan hopes the Ambassador will teach him.

Kasalia has pulled Nolan's trencher over to hold the scroll she is reading.


The scroll details the construction of the first temple to the Armored Eagle Goddess, built by the Sky Elves.


Above the study area are the symbols of Ambassador Bloodmane's faith, a statue of the humanoid version of the Armored Eagle Goddess and a representation of the Staff of Winged Grace.



Here's a shot of the build sans character figs and loose items. More detail shots can be found in this Flickr album.




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Cool build!

You are making a very nice progress in your buildingskills!!

Nice build! Good to see the embassy expanding!

Neat build, I especially like the tan wall!

The upper balcony area adds a nice dynamic to the scene :thumbup: And that scroll design is excellent :classic:

Certainly a very colorful build :classic: The curtains look interesting, what are they made of?

Thanks all. The curtain material I've used before. It is simply a rubber matting for air-drying dishes. It attaches real well to the standard 1x2 brick with clip.

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Great to see the embassy being expaanded. It's definitely a very unique location and great addition to Nocturnus the guild can be proud of.

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Interesting color usage and great design overall, I like the balcony and the pillar quite a lot :classic:

Regarding the photography you seem to have missed focus in a few of the shots, I usually recommend trying to get the minifigs' faces in focus when doing closeups especially if the shot is for story purposes it is good if the figure in the story is sharp in the picture as well. Try moving your camera a bit further back (and crop the final picture if needed) if you have issues locking the focus close enough.

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