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Settlement: Pontelli, Nellisa, Eslandola

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Settlement Name: Pontelli

Ownership: ETWC

Location: Nellisa

Mayor: Lady Asma April (@Captain Braunsfeld)

Who can own property in Pontelli: Anyone, from any faction.

Who can freebuild in Pontelli: Anyone, from any faction.

Fortifications: One large fort and one small fort. Pontelli is also within the protection radius of the Royal Fortress of Nova Terreli.

Troops: One platoon (locally raised).

See the Pontelli Index.

Please post any free-builds that take place in Pontelli in this thread.

If you want to license a piece of property in Pontelli, you must be someone (in some faction)! Post in this thread and fill out the web form.

The Settlement of Pontelli is encompassed in the defense radius of Nova Terreli's Royal Fortress.  

Map of Nellisa:


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To Alberto de Pontelli Terreli, 23rd of April, 616

As mentioned earlier, your experiments in the area of using the phlogiston extracted from Oleonish wine to lift pieces of cloth with other various oddities of a round and brownish hue - in short, with coconuts - into the air, convinced me that your worthy self would make a most excellent mayor for the settlement of Pontelli - though, also, as mentioned previously, either Colonel Brickinson or some other person willing (or not) would be the one who would have to do all the work involved in the post. I give you, sir, my congratulations, and hope that you may have a long and prosperous life (at least as long as may be reasonably expected, given one with your own occupation), and that you will avoid blowing up (or down) more houses in the settlement than necessary for the pursuit of science.

I sincerely hope that this letter reaches you in good health - in short, in a pre-poisoned, exploded, burst, or other uncomfortable condition, and that you will enjoy and make the most of your new and honorable position.


E. T. Wilkinson de Chauncourtois

Congrats to the new mayor of Pontelli, Alberto de Pontelli! (I wonder where he got such a name though... pirate_tong.gifpir_laugh2.gif JK)

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Alberto da Pontelli is happy about having become the Mayor of this up-and-coming city.

(Daily duties will be carried out by Colonel Brickinson) pirate_laugh_new.gif

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