
Fog on the Barrow-Downs

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A bit fitting for Halloween, this newest build is trying to recreate the earie setting from early in the Fellowship of the Ring book, where our Hobbits haven`t met Aragorn yet and learn some harsh lessons of the world beyond the Shire.

My latest `pure` MOC for the Tolkien verse, Fog on the Barrow-Downs is a not known to not book readers part of the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

You see, in the movies they get weapons from Aragorn after leaving Bree. In the books, that happened all a bit more adventureous, as they set out of the Shire and came to an ancient burial place, the Barrow-Downs. Inhabited by the spirits of long deceased warriors, Frodo, Samwise, Peregrin and Meriadoc are captured and paralysed, only to be saved by Tom Bombadil.

It is from these tombs they obtain their swords, and realise their are far bigger and far dangerous things in the outside world.




When I found this nice piece of artwork of the Barrow-Downs, I decided to try and recreate the setting, including the spooky patches of mist that trail Frodo as he approaches the doorway of one of the tombs.


In the end, I`m rather happy how this effect turned out, as it seems a light wind is blowing over the hill, but perhaps just a bit to selective to be a natural phenomena...



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I came into this topic being kinda skeptical about seeing anything that would be a decent representation of fog, but was surprised (in a good way) with what I saw.

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That's a neat little scene and you've captured the foggy look about as well as can be done with Lego bricks. It looks very good and it's obvious what it represents. Good work.

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The fog looks very good, and the use of 4x4 roof tops is nice too.

This chapter name has always been one of my favorites on LOTR.

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