
[MOD] Imperial Shuttle and two First order TIE

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You know that feeling when something is stuck at the back of your head and you can't stop thinking about a way to achieve a better landing gear for your imperial shuttle? No? Well, I have it, so I had to make another modification when I reached home. Here are the picutres.


Flight mode (the way it will be displayed most of the time). The new landing gear fold nicely and it is almost invisible.



Landed mode.

Where is the trick? My solution for the landing gear works visually (at least for me), but it is not functional, The "legs" hang freely as there is no friction. In flight mode the wings push the "legs" up so you only have to position the "feet" a little to achieve a smooth underside. In landed mode the "feet" have to be positioned flat against the surface, as the ship rest in the trans yellow pieces (I put two more of them in the back). This last picture shows the trick.


That's all. The best part is that you already have some of the pieces required for this mod from the original landing gear. I'm satisfied with my solution and unless something better appears I will keep this non-functional fake landing gear.

Hope you like it. Comments and criticism are welcome.

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Could you please repost the file for me? Thank you!

Ok, that was easier than I thought. Here´s the .lxf for one wing. Both wings are exactly the same. :)

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The unfinished spokes on your FO tie fighters would bug me, but I understand the design you chose reduces the bulkiness and weight of the tie fighter while still represent the spokes. Unlike what Lego was unable to do from either price reduction or plain laziness.

Edited by Green Rey

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