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MOC: I Am the Mole

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I turned the loo's taps to puke sewage!

I set Volmar's toupee to fire, sank his Corvette to the canal!

That's right: I am the postman of Job!

The prophet of the doctrine of unpositive attidude, yes!

I am the mole, scumbags!

Earthmover! Terminator!

Under your dwellings I shall dig my catacombs!

And I shall not wait for your invitations but I'll invite myself;

For your guest, for your blight, and your home is my castle!

Your kitchen into a Turkish sauna and customer in there!

So I sit on a freezer, ladling water to the stoves! Yes:

I nest in shallow waters!

I nest in shallow waters!


And now I'm having a Polaroid hidden in the ceiling...

A recorder behind a painting...

And harm watch will be harm catch!

And in those days one fellow raved the whole month about mammals...

After a hurricane snatches the furniture I shall eat the chosen bits

of your lawn and the small feet groove all night...

And when "ring ring" says the phone inside the head

The ambulancemen don't say even that!

Buy this:


And your mole goes:

And nests in shallow waters!

Rises out from your hot tub...


J. Martikainen 1993

Translated by me.



This MOC was inspired by 1993 song "

" by Finnish proge band YUP and the cover art of the EP with same name. I translated the lyrics, but this kight be quite self-explaining MOC...


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Cyclopic bricks. Enjoy.

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Wow, I love the scaling on this build. Awesome details, especially love the massive pickax and shields used as crests on the mansion. :classic::thumbup: :thumbup:

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