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Space Patroller MkII

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So, as a kid, I had a couple of 6830 Space Patroller. I loved it. I saw a complete with instructions one on Bricklink for cheap, and decided I wanted to relive some childhood joy, so bought it.

Although it's still a fun little design for it's time, it's hardly a match on today's designs. I started to wonder what I could come up with as a homage to it.

Here's what I came up with.







And for reference, the original:


It keeps all the major beats, twin mounted front cannons, opening canopy, twin removable robots, swing wings, plus I added landing gear, and engines that aren't also robots.

All in all, I'm not 100% satisfied with it, I think I strayed too far away from the basic shape, but I thought it was good enough to show off here none the less.

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Nice! I like the update. Although, personally, the robots with heads creep me out a little bit! :D

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I also like your update. As a Futuron Collector and Fan^^, I would not change the colors. It would look closer to the Futuronline and a bit better when you change your organge parts in blue and the cockpitbrick in transdarkblue.

Edited by Matthias

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