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MOC: Street Car/Tram

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Street Car / Tram

I've been working on this for a while and to be honest I've struggled with scale. It started as a six-wide, got rebuilt as a seven-wide (fragile), then rebuilt again as an eight-wide (it looked enormous, but was structurally robust). Then I went back to a six-wide and added a 9v motor. I've also gone through a couple of iterations of window sizes - from 2x2's to 2x3's and back to 2x2's. But something still didn't quite look right so in the end I Bricklinked an order and built two versions so I could see them side by side and compare them.

Here's the 6-wide version. It's powered by the 9v motor.


Here's the 7-wide. It's currently unpowered and sits on a false bogie, but is easily modded to hold the 9v.


And here's a comparison shot of the two together.


So which one do you think I should send to the inventory bins? and which one should I use? Or should I scrap them both and start again?

Comments, criticism, and ridicule most welcome.

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Could you add some reference materials?

Maybe a link to the tram(s) you're trying to brick?

It's not based on any specific Street Car/Tram. I was aiming for the look and feel of an older, generic European one.

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I would keep the 7 wide, the overhang of the roof over the entrance ways looking at it from the front just makes it more realistic.

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I like the seven wide. And I certainly appreciate you designing a mode of transportion that any hipster can ride proudly whilst he views the world through his Google glasses. Nice work, indeed.

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I like the 6 wide. With the large 9V train wheels underneath, it reminds me of classic Lionel toy trains.

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as fun as it is to see the 9v wheels, the 7wide looks far more real. looking at length though, they both feel a little stubby. 2 more studs long would do them good I think.

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As always nice MOC ,I like the 7 wide,but i agree with GallardoLU that the length needs to be a bit longer.

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Thanks peeps! The opinions have been counted and you've convinced me to go for the 7-wide version. I'll widen the 6-wide so that I have two carriages.

I like the seven wide. And I certainly appreciate you designing a mode of transportion that any hipster can ride proudly whilst he views the world through his Google glasses. Nice work, indeed.

I keep telling you OTW there's no hipsters in my town, no gentrification, and no urban renewal :classic: ....just a dodgy looking Tram system.

...They both feel a little stubby. 2 more studs long would do them good I think.

I think you're right about that, but my problem is that I wanted to be able to couple the two together and with the 9v motor placed centrally the ends of the carriage swing out dramatically around the curves/switches. That coupling currently needs to be about six studs in length - if I lengthen the carriages by another two studs then that coupling will be even larger. I'm going to have to think about that, but thanks for all the comments!

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As someone who has some trains, I'd go for the 6 wide one, just because trams aren't supposed to be wider than trains, lol. Otherwise both are nice simple builds.

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I'd go for the 6 stud and with some more length. I've done a lot of riding with Dutch trams and the were always slim because they must manoeuvre through normal street traffic often with 1 or 2 additional cars attached.

But I do like the look of both your modells.

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