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I still have mined which is almost all of them and still think they are much better than BIONICLES... even after all these years! Of course the accessories to the BIONICLES are amazing however as far as the actual robots are considered... THROWBOTS all the way!

I would have uploaded the pictures to the actual forum but 100k would only allow an extremely small or poor quality avatar picture...


Edited by Rick
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Sweet collection. I never managed to get all of the Roboriders, which is something I always regretted, but the Throwbots were all fantastic; Millenia was my favorite. So much personality. Still have the old containers and everything.

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Seeing all Throwbots and Roboriders sets in one picture makes me oddly happy.

If only someone could upload a picture of every single Bionicle set together...

Although I imagine it would be a bit harder to pull off. :grin:

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Seeing all Throwbots and Roboriders sets in one picture makes me oddly happy.

If only someone could upload a picture of every single Bionicle set together...

Although I imagine it would be a bit harder to pull off. :grin:

There are way more BIONICLES then THROWBOTS so it would require a lot more work however that would be a cool idea!

There many more combinations and different variations that aren't posted above for THROWBOTS aswell.... We can get this topic going quite nicely considering all the different available THROWBOT Builds! :tongue:

Edited by Nevo

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Very nice collection. The Throwbots are simply excellent; some of their designs are very ahead of their time, and they're a fascinating insight into how BIONICLE became what it ended up being.

Oh yeah, the titans were top-tier. Millenium and Blaster rank as some of my favorite sets.

Edited by Mesonak

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Oh, these wonderful things deserve remakes of their own!

Though BIONICLE holds a place in my heart for its characters and story, I adore Roboriders & Throwbots for their wonderfully outlandish designs, and the alien beauty of their package art. Roboriders get extra credit for its incredibly absurd premise. (Robots live in the wheels of the giant robot motorcycles which they pilot, and on occasion launch their wheel-homes as projectiles!)

Edited by The Kumquat Alchemist

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Throwbots were pretty cool in terms of their variety of shapes and colors. However, they were difficult to relate to as characters (the lack of story media establishing their personalities didn't help this). Also, the action features of the ones that use a worm gear are tedious and almost infuriatingly boring compared to the quicker action features of the ones that use a sliding gear, or of the later BIONICLE canister sets. I think these are some of the aspects in which BIONICLE most considerably improved on them.

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I didn't know there was a titan sized roborider. what's it called?

Its name in the United States was "The Boss", though Brickset has it simply listed as Super RoboRider.

Here's a mini-catalog scan from 2001 that has the American name listed.

Edited by Aanchir

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Throwbots were pretty cool in terms of their variety of shapes and colors. However, they were difficult to relate to as characters (the lack of story media establishing their personalities didn't help this). Also, the action features of the ones that use a worm gear are tedious and almost infuriatingly boring compared to the quicker action features of the ones that use a sliding gear, or of the later BIONICLE canister sets. I think these are some of the aspects in which BIONICLE most considerably improved on them.

Agreed on all points (although I think the American names made it easier to connect with then as characters than the UK names--Torch, Ski, and Jet have more character than Fire Slizer, Ice Slizer, and Judge Slizer). I was ten when the Throwbots came out, and I loved them (Amazon was my favorite), but I remember being impressed with how much better Bionicle was.

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It's really interesting to see what constraction was like before bionicle, it's pretty cool! I think I have ski lying around somewhere, maybe I should go find him...

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Stellar collection.

While Bionicle was what was got me back into Lego, I quickly went back and snapped up the Throwbots that I could.

I'd still love to see a CCBS-based Throwbow/Robo Riders bundle / homage set. Speaking of which, who is the Throwbot with the motorcycle on the far left of the top picture? Is it a custom build?

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Throwbots. Brings back memories of my childhood. I was in love with those sets, particularly Judge, Amazon, and Millennium (they were advertised with both names somewhere. Catalogue or instructions or something. I was always confused as to which were correct). As a kid, I only had around half the collection and only recently (a few years ago, actually) did I hunt down the rest online. Well worth it.

Never got into Roboriders. My brother got Swamp for a birthday present, but I didn't see the appeal at the time. I wish I did because now I regret not getting them. Maybe some day I'll bring myself to purchasing the collection, but since I don't have a great nostalgic attachment, I'm in no hurry.

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Good God that last pic is sexy.

It makes me regret not getting more black HF sets for their parts.

I know right!? It's the best combination of THROWBOTS and BIONICLE Pieces that I've ever come across! Unfortunately, its not my work, I found that online and wanted to share. :tongue:

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Just yesterday I received the last disks that I need to complete all the first way. YES! I completed, finally, the collection that I started with my brother 24 years ago ^^'.

I have the eight first Slizers Fire-Ice-City-Sub-Judge-Jungle-Rock-Energy (in Europe, you know, were Slizers, not Throwbots) with the 6 disks all of them!

Good bye!

Edited by A. Skywalker

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