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Col. Brik

[K-A06] Establish A Foothold

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Mission 3, Guinevere A-06, Establish a Foothold

Col. Brik, operating lab 14-42-39A,

Kawashita and Mantis are fighting tooth and nail for control of the planet. So far bloodshed has been little to nothing according to the TPS reports released by the managers. I've set up a outpost near a volcanic region to establish sustainability on this dry, hot mess of a rich rock. If there was no gold on this planet I would pass right by and forget I even saw it.

Even though the air is breathable, plant life is little to non-existent. If we secure the area there is no way we should spend money shipping food and water to a planet that has none. My mission, even though I am a pilot, is to get this facility operational.


The air is so clean in the bio-dome. I can finally take a deep breath and not choke on lava dust. I have found a process to take lava and process it through a converting chamber to bring out the minerals needed which help the soil be rich in nutrients.


Now that I am making some credits I can afford a crew. They are loyal and plentiful, which is good because I hear the red shirt soldier has a high mortality rate.


Someone left the air-lock door open again.....


Fish are thriving, which means food is available. I know we are climbing the corporate galaxy but we also need to remind ourselves about logistics. Without supplies no army, or company, will survive.



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Really cool habitat. The stark outside compared to the lush, colorful inside really works well.

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Nice to see some terraforming here. I too like the classic look for this - and the red shirt reference. :wink:

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Like the sliding door. That isn't as obvious to do with Lego as vertical or horizontal hinging. I just did a drop ship for SfK and I'm kicking myself for not doing sliding doors. :P

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