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[O-F02] Vacation Canceled!

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Location: F02 - Lesser Drigo

Tags: Land Vehicle, Engineering, Civil, Octan

And there Henry stood again. The transport vehicle had just left and he was alone with a pile of gear on some strange alien planet! Originally he had planned to take a break and spend two weeks surfing on New California. The waves were said to be superior there! And his request had even been granted by Dr.Long.

Surprisingly, he was here now with his vacation being canceled the last possible minute.


Henry wasn't quite sure what had gotten him here, but he had the suspicion that it had something to do with this "little incident" last night:


Before leaving the O.S.C. AXLE, H3 had ventured to the ship's bar to have a few beers with some of his engineering buddies. But on the way back to his sleeping compartment, the AXLE had had a little problem with it's gravitational system (at least that's what he remembered) and 0-g was something he couldn't handle at all, had never been able to handle to begin with! And so things had ended up like they usually end up in situations like this ...

Well, he had made sure nobody found out about this "little incident" and mopped the ship as quick as possible, leaving it cleaner than before. So what could have happened? Why was he here now, on a planet whose name he had never heard before and with a task that seemed virtually impossible: building a water pumping station on a desert and lava planet?


Henry looked around, okay there was water, at least he could see some steam rising from below the sand where the water most likely got into contact with the lava. But his pile of equipment was just that, a pile of equipment he would have to sort through, a task that would take him hours, if not days. And, there were those really nasty space scopions he had heard of before, hopefully they wouldn't be able to cross the lava creek that seperated him from these beasts. "Ah, shitty situation, better call hq to make sure someone with a big gun gets down here" H3 mumbled "damn, where was the radio? On no, WHY ALWAYS ME ... ?"

What H3 failed to understand was that his "little incidident" had of course not gone unoticed. There was nothing happening aboard the AXLE that did not get noticed somehow, somewhere by SOMEONE. NOTHING!


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Haha another funny HHH adventure. Love the lansdscaping here, man.

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Completely agree about the landscaping. The tan plus black and trans-orange work surprisingly well. Poor H3 though, he just can't catch a break! :laugh:

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The scenes, storytelling, photography, and presentation are all awesome!

Poor H3....

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haha, thanks guys, glad you like my story and build. I'm actually having a lot of fun myself to create and flesh out my character.

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