
Eurobricks Citizen
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  1. mpfirnhaber

    LEGOLAND non-production parts

    Some recent acquisitions. The top brick is a modern 3001, probably the result of switching from pink to green while making bricks. These transition bricks are usually destroyed. The bottom brick is a Bayer test brick in trans-neon green.
  2. mpfirnhaber

    Warping at what degree of heat?

    Here are the results of some temperature tests on Lego test bricks (modern ABS). Temperatures are in Celsius. Source:
  3. mpfirnhaber

    LEGOLAND non-production parts

    Not my picture, but I just bought the brick. I've never seen a marbled Duplo 2x4 before :)
  4. mpfirnhaber

    LEGOLAND non-production parts

    Aye, it's not for building, and it's staying on the sprue :)
  5. mpfirnhaber

    Help with identifying parts/sets!
  6. mpfirnhaber

    Help with identifying parts/sets!

    Yes, the large bricks are Jumbo, produced in the US by Samsonite. There are actually two kinds, the US version and the Euro version. The Euro version is exactly 3x the size of normal bricks - the US version is a non-standard size. You have the US version. The 2x3 is an old brick made by Samsonite, they used cheap, soft plastic in the 60s. The square studs parts are not Lego.
  7. mpfirnhaber

    LEGOLAND non-production parts

    I would be more inclined to call it non-production than prototype. I bought it from a BL seller in Germany who sells a lot of parts in unusual colors. I'm guessing he has a connection to a model shop or similar source. I don't know much more than that. I just missed out on a red chain. I hope to get another chance, I would love to add one to my collection.
  8. mpfirnhaber

    LEGOLAND non-production parts

    New stuffs. Blue - Medium Blue - Glow in the Dark
  9. mpfirnhaber

    LEGOLAND non-production parts

    I'm open to that idea :) You mean a tortoise?
  10. mpfirnhaber

    LEGOLAND non-production parts

    Those yellow plates are wonderful :) All I have managed to find is a single 2x3 in trans yellow. Can't build much with that...
  11. A fun BrickLink purchase :) The external board is wired straight to the internal board. It plays the "doorbell then dog bark" sound from the brick in set 5771 - Hillside House. Searching the number on the chip (39VF020) reveals it's a simple flash memory chip. The board (AMA9AA) brings up pages from a Chinese company, Alpha Microelectronics, thatseems to specialize in voice/sound synthesizing hardware. There are references to software called EZSpeech and FlashWriter. There are download links for the software on their website, but they are password protected. Oh well. I never truly thought I could program my own sound bricks. I bought this as a novelty - and I think it will remain a novelty :)
  12. mpfirnhaber

    Best years of Lego sets Discussion

    1987-1990 Futuron, Blacktron, Space Police, Pirates, Forestmen, Black Knights... So many epic sets in a span of just 4 years, and I was the perfect age at the time to enjoy them :)