
Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. @msx80 Hi msx80, This software is incredible, and I've used it to create instructions for a number of my builds. I have one question though: Is there a particular zoom number that allows for perfect outlining of parts? It seems that no matter what number I try, there's always an edge or two that doesn't show up around a stud. Thanks!
  2. Hey msx80, here is the error that occurs in the console window when hitting "(Re)Generate from steps":
  3. Hi msx80, I love this software and have used it for a while, and I wanted to alert you to a bug I'm having in v19 that doesn't seem to be present in previous releases. Hitting the "(Re)Generate from steps" button doesn't seem to do anything anymore. In addition, hitting "Regenerate page" will sometimes cause a whole step to be removed from the instructions (I'm missing steps 16, 22, and 34-35 after hitting that button on each page). Going back and hitting these buttons in v18 and earlier works just fine, so I'm wondering what may have changed to cause the issue. Thanks, Dave
  4. Hi all, I'm getting ready to build v2 of my blue '69 Corvette, and that means I'll have to order 6 more of these: So here's the mystery: what set does this part come from? They are definitely real (I used them in my original build), but bricklink doesn't list blue as a production color. A quick search on Google and I can't find any info at all. Anybody have any ideas? Thanks, brickdater
  5. They depend on a little flex in the model in order to open. Definitely should go back and rethink the hinges so they "pop" more out as opposed to swiveling. Thanks! I agree it needs smaller rims and some fat radials. C'mon Lego help us out!
  6. Unfortunately it is 18-wide :( Madoca's Vette is on a whole other level. Super recognizable detail on a working chassis with lights, etc.? Unreal.
  7. Close. The tail light is a combo of part 41533, a technic pin, and a round plate: A rod runs through each pin (red rods for the outer lights, and white for the inner reverse lights)
  8. brickdater

    Hi, my name is brickdater!

    Thanks for the suggestion! Just posted!
  9. Hi guys and gals! I'm new to eurobricks and I wanted to show you all what I've been working (on-and-off) on for the past year. I just posted this to the Lego Ideas site, so please take a look and tell me what you think!
  10. brickdater

    Hi, my name is brickdater!

    It's a fun nickname, I like to think it makes me sound like a Lego archaeologist! Thanks for your support!
  11. I'm finally getting around to joining the community now that I've posted my first MOC: Please check it out and tell me what you think!