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I'm having difficulty in putting a minifig on a motorcycle (or bicycle or trike). I can put the minifig on the bike, but can't allign the hands to the handlebar. Is there a technique for that?

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I very carefully rotated the piece one by one until everything lined up. It took quite a bit of time to do.

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There was no trick. It was just rotating the appropriate parts until they lined up. Not really that hard to do, just takes a few minutes.

But, if you want I will.

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I've tried that.

I put the minifig on the bike, using the default position of the hands and legs.

Next I want to rotate the torso forward. But LDD only lets me rotate one leg or the other, or the bike.

So I take off the minifig and ajust the legs one by one and fit it back on the bike.

I continue this process until I have visually lined up, so if I rotate the arms, it snaps into place.

Takes some fiddling, but it works. Kind of.

I've also tried alligning, but that doesn't work. Due to multiple rotating points I think. With that thought I tried to allign just one hand, while the other hand is rotated upward, away from the handlebar. That didn't work either.

I am thinking about snapping on one hand with the minifig free hanging. Then rotate along the wrist and handlebar until the minifig is seated. Finally putting the free hand into place. But I haven't tried that.

I think the angle of the handlebar and the angle of the hands don't line up. Or the handlebar isn't exactly 100% horizontal.

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If I do that, I can snap the right hand on the left handle or the left hand on the right handle, with the minifig beside the bike. But two hands snapped at ones doesn't seem to work. If I try to do that, I see a transparent minifig with one hand attached while the other is beyond the other handle. That's why I think that the handlebar and hands don't line up. The arms are at an angle on the torso and the hands are at an angle attached to the arm, so there might be a position of both arms and hands that can line up with a handlebar.

For learning experience, I tried to snap on a long stick on both hands of a minifig. That doesn't work either. Same problem. In real life you can do it but if you look close, you see one end of the hand closer to the stick than the other end. It's not 100% lined up, but it snaps just good enough to stay.

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