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Who's Who in Princess Quest

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As the amount of characters featured in my Lego Castle photocomic Princess Quest grows by each new chapter, I decided to create a topic with the profiles of the cast for easy reference to all readers. You'll perhaps learn something new about some of the characters that's not told in the comic itself here...

I will update this post whenever new characters make an appearance in the comic itself.

#7.8.2008: Added Prince Tristan, Noland the Necromancer, Chief Sunstorm and Ganost the Farseer. Updated Hawke and Lady Brigit.

#27.8.2008: Added Prince Horcus, Duplox, Stomp, Spitpot and Snot & Spud.

#28.9.2008: Added Wizards Zanzibar, Dragonlord Orthros and the Mother Dragon. Updated Duke Bley and Master Burnbeard.

#5.1.2009: Added the Hell Dragon. Updated Beatrix, sir Brickhart, Rod, Skala, Hawke, Ogle, Wizards Zanzibar, Lady Brigit, Wizard Fabuland and sir Dancelot & Dumbert.

Main Party


Princess Beatrix

Age: 17

Race: Human

Weapon: Golden Sword Victoria

Status: She is the heiress to the throne of Brickland and the only grandchild of King Oleg. She received a quest from Wizard Fabuland to seek out one of the Four Jewels in order to defend the kingdom from the attack of the undead. She can be quite stubborn when she gets on the mood, but unlike other princesses, she's more concerned about the well-being of her country than her looks.After recovering one of the Four Jewels and defeating the undead with its help, she was crowned as the queen of Brickland.


Sir Brickhart

Age: 29 (deceased)

Race: Human

Weapon: Shining Sword & Shield

Status: He is the guardian knight of Princess Beatrix, and considers her a weak woman in need of constant protection. His unrequested chivalry often gets him into embarrassing situations. In the past, he fought in the war against Svartalfs, the Black Dwarves, alongside Beatrix's father, Prince Tristan. But fear got the best of him, and he ran from the battle, leaving Tristan behind. He never forgave himself, so he swore to protect Tristan's daughter, Beatrix, with his life, as he ultimately did.



Age: 13

Race: Human

Weapon: Staff

Status: He is Sir Brickhart's young but clever squire. It's his job to hold his boasting master at bay and inform him about things the blue-eyed knight is oblivious to. He is great at handling animals, stemming from his life as a stable boy before becoming a squire. He feels a strange connection to Ogle, the owl of Wizard Fabuland. He was devastated by his master's death in the battle against the undead, but he decided to follow his footsteps. Thus he eventually became Queen Beatrix's guardian knight himself.



Age: 33

Race: Ogre

Weapon: Scimitar

Status: She used to be a mere librarian in the Green Isles, but when her husband Duplox follows Horcus, the prince of the trolls, to a mindless mission overseas and doesn't return in a year, Skala decides to follow his traces. She ends up in Brickland, where her intimidating stature allows her to walk unharmed, despite her total lack of battle experience. But inside her fierce exterior lies a gentle and caring heart. She finally got reunited with her husband, and together they escorted Prince Horcus back to the Green Isles' but not before popping in at Princess Beatrix's coronation.



Age: 118

Race: Nomad Elf

Weapon: Longbow & Arrows

Status: He is a guide and a mercenary hailing from Tiamat Badlands. Decades ago, he abandoned his elven tribe and went to live among the humans. But that life wasn't any easier than the life in the wilderness, as he soon found out what greed and deception meant. However, it was too late to go back, so he started working for anybody who paid the most. Eventually, he came to the service of Duke Bley. His true name is Legolas, a common male name among elves. When Princess Beatrix came to Duke Bley to ask help on her quest, the duke paid Hawke to make sure Beatrix would never leave the Tiamat Badlands. When he got to know the princess better, he knew that he could never fill the duke's demand.



Age: Unknown

Race: Owl/High One

Weapon: Hooting

Status: She is Fabuland's pet owl that the wizard sent after Princess Beatrix to be his eyes and ears. She quickly befriends Rod, who recognizes and takes care of her. But she is no ordinary bird, and underneath the white feathers lies a dark secret... A hundred years ago, she lived as a priestess called Minerva in the Floating Realm of the High Ones. She sought to collect all four dragonstones - or Fallen Stars, as the High Ones knew them - into the possession of her people. But Wizard Fabuland, her lover, found this out and had no other option to transform her into a owl, not only to prevent a catastrophe from happening, but also to keep her as his companion forever.


Wizards Zanzibar

Age: 73

Race: Humans

Weapon: Lightning

Status: They are guardians of the Earth's Heart that lies on top of the Impenetrable Fortress of the Dragonwarriors. They were once a single wizard who doubled himself by accident with a spell gone awry. Now they're in a constant dispute about which one of them is the original wizard. The truth is, no one can ever tell the difference. After escorting the Mother Dragon, the manifestation of the Earth's Heart, to Brickland to help Princess Beatrix defeat the undead, and witnessing a priestess of the High Ones stealing the dragonstone, the wizards decided to remain at Beatrix's side until the Earth's Heart was recovered.

People of Brickborough


King Oleg

Age: 61 (deceased)

Race: Human

Status: He was the righteous and beloved ruler of Brickland and Princess Beatrix's grandfather. He lost his only son Tristan in a battle against the invasion of the Black Dwarves a decade ago, but Tristan's corpse, animated by black magic, came back to end his father's reign.


Prince Tristan

Age: 26 (undead)

Race: Human

Status: He was the son of King Oleg, husband of Lady Brigit and father of Princess Beatrix. He died during the battle against the Black Dwarves nine years ago when Beatrix was still a child. The necromancer Noland brought him back with the power of the Devil's Iris, and through inhuman violence he rose to the throne of Brickland. But hovering in between life and death has made him indifferent and uncaring about the matters of mortals.


Lady Brigit

Age: 35 (undead)

Race: Human

Status: She was a nobleswoman who became the wife of Prince Tristan and gave birth to Beatrix. She lost her mind after her dear husband died in battle, only being able to long after him without recognizing anybody else around her. But her wishes ultimately came true, as Tristan returned from his grave and made her his undead queen.


Wizard Fabuland

Age: Unknown

Race: Human

Status: He is the elderly court wizard of Brickland who sends Beatrix on a quest to find one of the Four Jewels of Legend in order to save Brickland. However, he knows much more about the situation than he tells. What reasons does he has to hide his infinite knowledge? It turns out that he has been guarding the secret of the jewels for who knows how long, and has had to go to great lengths to keep it - having even transformed his lover Minerva into an owl just to keep her away from the jewels.


Noland the Necromancer

Age: Unknown (undead)

Race: Human

Status: He is a sinister necromancer and younger brother of Fabuland. He was captured by the Black Dwarves during the war, but now has resurfaced in a twisted, evil form. He feels betrayed by his brother and seeks revenge and domination over Brickland, and the powerful red Dragonstone, the Devil's Iris, he stole from the Black Dwarves will help him reach his goals.


The Hell Dragon

Age: Unknown

Race: Dragon

Status: He is an ancient dragon serving Noland, and a manifestation of the Devil's Iris. The red dragonstone was corrupted when the tribe of dwarves that guarded it dug too deep into the core of the earth, and awakened an untold evil force. That force mutated the dwarves into hideous Svartalfs and gave the dragonstone it's unnatural power to reanimate the dead.


Sir Blockus & Sir Studdard

Age: 44 & 23 (both deceased)

Race: Humans

Status: They were King Oleg's personal guardian knights and his most trusted companions. They died while trying to protect their liege from the undead Prince Tristan.


Sir Dancelot & Dumbert

Age: 25 & 11

Race: Humans

Status: Dancelot is a boastful royal knight and Dumbert is his squire. They have an on-going rivalry against Sir Brickhart and Rod, both eager to take their place next to Princess Beatrix. The princess defeated Dancelot in a tournament, much to his shame. Their whereabouts after the invasion of the undead is unknown. After the invasion of the undead, they hid in the cellars of the castle until Beatrix returned from her quest.

Residents of Blockward


Duke Bley

Age: 42

Race: Human

Status: He is the duke of Blockward and King Oleg's nephew. He loves to play the puppetmaster and hold all the strings in his own hands. After hearing about his uncle's death, he plotted not to inform Princess Beatrix about it in order to rise to the throne himself. He marched to Brickborough with an army, but was petrified to find his deceased cousin Tristan back from the dead and sitting on the throne that Bley himself desired. He owns a ferocious pet wolf named Fenrir, along with a whole brigade of guards.


Duchess Margarete

Age: 37

Race: Human

Status: She is a former Priestess of Passion, who quickly rose through the ranks to become Duke Bley's wife. Though she is often disgusted of her husband's antics, she owes her luxurious life to him and thus has to tolerate his whims.


Master Burnbeard

Age: 370

Race: Dwarf

Status: He is a legendary dwarven sword smith and an old friend of Wizard Fabuland. He has seen many wars and forged countless blades, but he has now retired to the remote city of Blockward. But in his old years he had the honor of forging his finest sword ever per request of Fabuland. The sword eventually passed on to Princess Beatrix, much to Burnbeard's dismay. But he will see that even someone without a beard can wield a dwarven sword skillfully. When Duke Bley marched to war against the undead, Master Burnbeard agreed to join him because he was worried about the well-being of his friend Fabuland.

Encountered in Tiamat Badlands


Sunya Twinspear

Age: 110

Race: Nomad Elf

Status: She is a tough elven huntress and the daughter of Chief Sunstorm, the tribe's leader. She has a past with Hawke, but something happened and he left her. She decided not to ever forgive him, but seeing him again after countless years almost instantly melted the ice from her heart.


Chief Sunstorm

Age: 420

Race: Nomad Elf

Status: He is the chief of Hawke's tribe and Sunya's patient father. He considers Hawke as the son he never had, and was deeply disappointed when he chose to leave the tribe. His only wish is that his tribe could live in peace, but the conditions in the Tiamat Badlands aren't favourable to that.


Ganost the Farseer

Age: 760

Race: Nomad Elf

Status: He is the elderly sage of Hawke's tribe, who knows all the legends of his people. He knows that one of the Four Jewels, the green Earth's Heart used to belong to the elves, but when the Ancient Forest was destroyed, the jewel chose the human clan that became the Dragonwarriors as her protectors instead. This saddens Ganost, because he senses that it was pride that got the best of his people.


Prince Horcus

Age: 21

Race: Troll

Status: He is the spoiled and headstrong son of the Troll King and thus the crown prince of the Green Islands. Out of a whim, he decides to go on a dragon hunt to prove his worth to his father, but the journey takes him almost a year, and most of his personal army abandoned him during the trip.



Age: 33

Race: Ogre

Status: He is the Chief Engineer in Prince Horcus' army, and the inventor of the Wyrmslayer, a machine meant to slay a dragon. He is also the loving husband of Skala, so his loyalties are torn in two. The year spent apart from her wife was hard for him, but he decided to stick with the prince - just to ensure he didn't hurt himself with the Wyrmslayer.



Age: 12

Race: Troll

Status: He is the smith in Prince Horcus' army, despite his young age. He inherited the position from the previous smith who got tired of serving the whimsical prince. Stomp looks up to the cook Spitpot as his caretaker.



Age: 55

Race: Troll

Status: Prince Horcus' loyal cook and an old war veteran, who remains by his master's side because he really has nothing better to do. He's grumpy and sour, yet he has a soft spot for the child smith, Stomp. He even took him to see the tournament where Princess Beatrix competed in.


Snot & Spud

Age: 32 & 28

Race: Troll

Status: They are the last two of Prince Horcus' warriors remaining, and their secret love for each other was the only thing that kept them in the army. Once they got the courage to tell the prince about their affair, they decided to go live happily ever after - somewhere else.


Dragonlord Orthros

Age: 56

Race: Human

Status: He is the honourable leader of the Dragonwarriors and the keeper of the Impenetrable Fortress. He is extremely proud that one of the dragonstones, the Earth's Heart, lies in his citadel, but when the stone wants to go with Beatrix to help her save Brickland, Orthros is wise enough to let it go.


The Mother Dragon

Age: Unknown

Race: Dragon

Status: She is an impressive ancient dragon guarded by the wizards Zanzibar and the cult of the Dragonwarriors, who has given birth to all the dragons in the Impenetrable Fortress. In truth, she is but a manifestation of the Earth's Heart, one of the four legendary dragonstones. Learning that Brickland is under attack of one of her kin, she decides to leave her nest and help the humans in trouble.

Edited by Sandy

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Great summaries, Sandy. This will indeed come in use if we ever forget a character (though that's unlikely :wink:). It's also good to have everyone listed down with their info. Ogle's weapon made me laugh. :laugh:


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Very good guide, but what's with the ??? beside Hawke's name? Something I missed?

Thanks for asking! Hawke is not his real name, as revealed by Sunya in the fifth chapter, although his elven name isn't reveal until the next chapter. Hawke really wanted to leave his past behind, name and all. :wink:

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Thanks for the guide!

Interesting that Brigit turned into an Undead, I didn't quite understand what was going in that scene...

So Ogle has some form of Supersonic hooting? :tongue::laugh:

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Interesting that Brigit turned into an Undead, I didn't quite understand what was going in that scene...

Well, Tristan had to of course kill her first, but he and the evil wizard used the Red Jewel of Legend to turn her into an undead. But I'll delve more into that in the next chapter, which is coming up by the end of this week, I reckon.

As for Ogle's hooting, it's just a normal hoot. Not a very effective weapon, I can tell. :tongue:

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Sandy, your characters' summary is done very well, for readers to have a quick background introduction on your characters. I must admit, this is a good piece of resource, attached to "Princess Quest". :thumbup:

Somehow, the format reminded me of the EBRP Character thread. :tongue:

I will be looking forward to your new addition of your characters as well as the story plot development. With this summary in mind, readers will have a much clearer picture. Keep up the good work!

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Chapter VI of Princess Quest is up now, and the first post of this topic has been updated with the new characters introduced within the chapter. The new profiles include Prince Tristan, Noland the Necromancer, Chief Sunstorm and Sage Ganost the Farseer.

There are small updates on the profiles of Hawke and Lady Brigit, as well, with the mysterious "elven name" finally revealed! :grin:

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Ganost the Farseer

Age: 760

Race: Nomad Elf

Status: He is the elderly sage of Hawke’s tribe, who knows all the legends of his people. He knows that one of the Four Jewels, the green Earth’s Heart used to belong to the elves, but when the Ancient Forest was destroyed, the jewel chose the human clan that became the Dragonwarriors as her protectors instead. This saddens Ganost, because he senses that it was pride that got the best of his people.

Wow... :laugh:

I suppose in Princess Quest the Elves are immortal, like in LotR?

:laugh: Legolas...

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Wow... :laugh:

I suppose in Princess Quest the Elves are immortal, like in LotR?

Not really, just incredibly long-lived. Same goes for the dwarves and the High Ones (a race that will come into play later on). Humans, ogres and trolls have about the same lifespan - except for wizards, who can elongate their lives with magic.

This bit of information was offered to you by yours truly and the letter Q! :grin:

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Not really, just incredibly long-lived. Same goes for the dwarves and the High Ones (a race that will come into play later on). Humans, ogres and trolls have about the same lifespan - except for wizards, who can elongate their lives with magic.

This bit of information was offered to you by yours truly and the letter Q! :grin:

Okay, thanks!

I understand now, can't wait to see who the High Ones are,

I'm betting on them being Dragons :wink:

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And as Chapter VII of Princess Quest is up, it's time to update this list of profiles with trolls and an ogre! Be aware that the profiles contain spoilers on the latest chapter, so you better read it first before returning here.

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Another chapter of Princess Quest has been released, and so has another batch of character profiles. Just be sure to read the comic before eyeing them, since there's spoilers abound!

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What about the Wizard? Zizander?

The Wizards Zanzibar are up there on the list, below the "Main Party" headline. :wink: I guess they're a bit missable there, but that's where they belong.

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I apologize for the double post, but along with the release of the ninth and final chapter of Princess Quest (check the link in my signature to get to the topic), the profiles of many characters have been updated, and one new profile has been added.

Since the comic is over now, I won't be updating this topic anymore, but you are still free to discuss and ask questions about the characters here.

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Sandy were then any subtle hints we might of missed about the twists of some of the characters?

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Sandy were then any subtle hints we might of missed about the twists of some of the characters?

In the profiles? They mostly explain fully what's hinted or quickly passed in the comic, but there are a few tidbits that aren't included in the chapters, too. :wink:

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I was reading this, and I couldn't help but notice the fact that Ogle/Minerva's description states that the "Wizard Zanzibar" was her lover, but as it is in the story, Fabuland was her lover. I realize this was probably just a minor mistake, but just so that you don't get a flood of PM's or posts asking about it, I figured it would be good to get it over with now.

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I was reading this, and I couldn't help but notice the fact that Ogle/Minerva's description states that the "Wizard Zanzibar" was her lover, but as it is in the story, Fabuland was her lover. I realize this was probably just a minor mistake, but just so that you don't get a flood of PM's or posts asking about it, I figured it would be good to get it over with now.

Ah, thanks a lot for noticing that mistake! I've corrected it now, and we can just count it as a brainfart or something on my part. :tongue:

Too many damn wizards in this story...

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I liked your comics and particularly I think you have very good character-naming skills.

It seems quite evident you've played RPGs... :tongue:

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I'm bumping this topic to tell you guys that Princess Quest will continue with two more "prologue" chapters that depict events leading to the story told in the PQ comics. They are titled Princess Quest Chronicles, and they will be posted during the summer months. The first one, The Dark War, will tell about the war against the Black Dwarves which lead to the deaths of both Noland and Tristan and their later corrupted resurrection. The second chronicle is yet to be titled, but it's about the youth of the wizard brothers Fabuland and Noland, and how Minerva became the owl Ogle.

These chronicles also work as bridges to the sequel of PQ, Queens' Quest, which I will launch this autumn. QQ will be set three years after the events of PQ, and it will tell the story of not just one, but two queens.

So all fans of PQ, you've got yourself something to wait for... :wink:

PS. I'm also going to try out a new format to present the images in a "comic book page" form, to make the story easier to read and follow.

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Yey, more comics from Sandy! :sweet:

It seems you got a lot of work in head of you, I hope it turns out as good as the previous.

Good luck from an eagerly waiting supporter :thumbup::wink:

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