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Student Enrollment: Character and Theme 1

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Here goes nothing! I hope this is a good start and looking forward to some pointers. Please forgive me if this is nothing like what you were hoping to see.

  1. Theme
    Friendship doesn't have to be boisterous to be true.
  2. Story Arc
    Three companions sitting around the camp after an adventure, two of them are excitedly talking about the events/congratulating each other, counting gold, and having fun. The third sits off to the side in front of his tent not saying much, sharpening his blade and tending to his gear. The other two don't think he really cares about them much but that he is just there to be there.
    Days later, the group is headed into town to see about a quest. While there, one of the companions (the leader) is taken hostage by the bad-guy and demands are made for his return. The two remaining companions try to rescue him but find many hardships along the way and in the process get into an argument and one tells the other "you don't care about him like i do, you aren't our friend and it is obvious that you are just with us for the fights and the gold". He then goes off to rescue his friend alone but instead becomes a captive himself.
    Just as all hope is lost and the two companions are about to be put to death, the third rescues them. They are surprised but everyone works as a team to make it to safety.
    At the camp, the leader comes up to the third man and tells him thank you for saving and sorry about the other mans harsh words. The third man smiles and says that is what comrades and friends do for each other, and he is sure each of them would have done the same for him.
  3. Character Transformations
    Astoaw (the leader) - starting out as the cocksure leader, best friends with his second Theramond, and not sure about the new guy Caredon. He finds out that even he needs help sometimes and not all friends are as boisterous as Theramond but that doesn't mean they don't care.
    Theramond (second in command) - starting out with his unyielding loyalty to Astoaw and distrust of Caredon. He thinks everyone who is a friend should declare it with deeds and words at all possible times. He finds out that not everyone is like him but they can still be true friends.
    Caredon (the third guy) - starting out as a quiet warrior. He considers his companion friends and doesn't feel the need to say it, after all he is there to fight along side them and doesn't steal from them. He learns that sometimes people need to hear the words and have camaraderie outside of battle to know that they can trust someone new.
  4. Journey
    Theramond, and to a lesser extent, Astoaw learn that even though Caredon doesn't carry on and laugh with them like they do together, it doesn't mean that he is not a friend. Caredon learns that sometimes he does need to sit around and talk to his friends and not always assume they know he is a true friend just because he is there.

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Awesome work, darkdragon. I'll start Lesson Two and post some feedback by Friday. :thumbup:

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This is very well thought out and very specific. Each character has a specific journey in relation to the theme. Excellent work.

The two things I would re-visit:

1. Is this about friendship or work ethic? I'm not sure how their quests are set up, but how did they come to work together on these quests? Do they need to be friends in order to be a part of this group? If they are not as friendly with Caredon, how did he make his way into their group? Is a more general theme "Actions speak louder than words?" if they are more thieves with an honor code than friends who partake in quests to do battle and collect gold.

2. Can we see friendship tested the other way? Are Astoaw and Theramond completely true to each other as they are held captive? Is one offered to turn on the other and do we see the friendship waver even though they are more outwardly friendly towards each other? Or conversely, do we see them protect Caredon by telling the "bad-guy" that there were only 2 of them, so they don't try to look for a third, or do they try to throw Caredon under the wagon, so to speak, offer him up as the better target, the ringleader behind the whole thing? I think it would be interesting to test both ends of friendship and see how each character treats their definition of friendship under pressure.

These are just ideas to consider as you continue on to Lesson Two: Antagonist vs. Protagonist which I will post shortly.

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Would you like me to address your questions about my play here or only on lesson two I should work them out?

Basically, I'm asking if I passed lesson 1. :classic:

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