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Cheapest Soldiers?

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I have just logged on for the first time and I am desperate to know where I can get the cheapest redcoats/ bluecoats. I've been on eBay and they are extortionate. Bricklink would be my other option but it is pricey too. Where do I go? :sceptic:

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Redcoats probably won't be as bad. Grab a few from the pirate line from...geez, has it already been two years? Anyways, get some of the more recent redcoats. As for bluecoats...I'm going to improvise and use some of the old castle "crown" soldiers from the Fantasy era.

Best of luck :pir-wink:

Edit: I take that back. Bricklink has made a liar out of me. Old redcoats are around 2 USD, while the newer ones are around 3.

Edited by Axis600

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The cheapest ones would be the old redcoats, about 2-3 dollars each. However, it is difficult to buy them in bulk on bricklink. The best place to buy them in bulk would be eBay. I've scored many great deals on soldiers there.

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I have about 150 of the new redcoats and found that it was slightly cheaper to buy them in 5 parts:

1) shako-here you can choose either the old non-printed version or new printed version

2) head-you are free to choose here!!!!

3) shoulder pads-blue is the standard but yellow, red, gold, black and white exist

4)torso-several sellers have hundreds of those

5)legs-you can buy them in bulk and black is very commonband therefore cheap

I calculate that my army comes in at about 1.50ca each; really not bad!!!!

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I have about 150 of the new redcoats and found that it was slightly cheaper to buy them in 5 parts:

1) shako-here you can choose either the old non-printed version or new printed version

2) head-you are free to choose here!!!!

3) shoulder pads-blue is the standard but yellow, red, gold, black and white exist

4)torso-several sellers have hundreds of those

5)legs-you can buy them in bulk and black is very commonband therefore cheap

I calculate that my army comes in at about 1.50ca each; really not bad!!!!

Yes, you can also purchase bulk muskets,swords, and pistols for pretty cheap as well.

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I have about 150 of the new redcoats and found that it was slightly cheaper to buy them in 5 parts:

1) shako-here you can choose either the old non-printed version or new printed version

2) head-you are free to choose here!!!!

3) shoulder pads-blue is the standard but yellow, red, gold, black and white exist

4)torso-several sellers have hundreds of those

5)legs-you can buy them in bulk and black is very commonband therefore cheap

I calculate that my army comes in at about 1.50ca each; really not bad!!!!

Yes, you can also purchase bulk muskets,swords, and pistols for pretty cheap as well.

That's a strategy I hadn't considered...but it's a good idea.

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I think buying different parts is indeed the cheapest method.

You could also go to a LEGO event sometime. Sometimes there are small shops where you can buy them for about 1,50 USD.

That's where I got my small army from.

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The cheapest ones would be the old redcoats, about 2-3 dollars each.

$2-3 is not much as long as you really want them.

I've been on eBay and they are extortionate. Bricklink would be my other option but it is pricey too. default_sceptic.gif

A pizza costs at least $10, so if every friday night instead of buying a pizza you get at least 4 soldiers, then you get 16 soldiers per month, 192 soldiers per year.

And it's not like you give up all your desires in change for some soldiers. It's enough to only give up the equivalent of a pizza per week.

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