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  1. need_a_name

    Mitgardia Guild: Homepage, Sign-up and Discussion

    and i am getting quite sleepy.... back to subject, do we post the mini challenge in the mitgardia thread or in the historica main thread?
  2. need_a_name

    Mitgardia Guild: Homepage, Sign-up and Discussion

    alrgith thanks, i like the cut away ideal, i might just make it a cut-away. thanks again
  3. need_a_name

    Mitgardia Guild: Homepage, Sign-up and Discussion

    i have a little question, due to my lack of bricks may i post, i can not complete my embassy in totality, however i do have enough to make the front and one side so that when the photo is taken it looks complete. if i enter my moc like so is it eligeble or does my moc have to be ocmpletly finish even if you dont see the other side in the photo.
  4. need_a_name

    Roman Turtle

    very nice, i was waiting for someone to this this. it is true that the root of cent is 100 however a centurion did only command 80 legionnaires like venios has said before
  5. need_a_name

    Misty Shrine

    what a wonderful moc!!! everything just ties in perfectly! you really captured a beautiful land being tainted by the nocturnus.
  6. need_a_name

    Mitgardia Guild: Homepage, Sign-up and Discussion

    Anthony johanson and his block of pikeman pledge their loyal aliance to the great and almighty Jarl. his block of pikes come from all around Historica united by the flag of Mitgardia ready to fight t'il the end. here we see Anthony himself carrying the standard colours of Mitgardia into battle
  7. need_a_name

    Mitgardia Guild: Homepage, Sign-up and Discussion

    is it to late to join in the guild?