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About vasa

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  1. vasa

    The Vasa

    Trouwens...ik zie net dat je een Nederlandse nationaliteit hebt...als je graag meer wil weten wil ik je graag te woord staan. Ben je bekend met msn? Voeg me maar toe voor een babbel. Groet, Jos Phredit: Deleted email address.
  2. vasa

    The Vasa

    Actually I was only interested in building a right Lego-model of the Vasa. Building it at minifigur was not my priority. And then...wat is minifigur? What is the scale? In 1628 people would not often get more longer than 1,70 meters...
  3. vasa

    The Vasa

    Hi there, No I'am not goging to put minifigures on th
  4. vasa

    The Vasa

    Hi There, It's me, Jos the person who build the Vasa. Thanks for the nice reactions! I'am new here so I have to find out how everything works, ahum... Greets, Jos Or do I have to write something cooool when I go...something like: don't get shot! :S Thanks, And indeed...plate built! :-$ , I Think I now al little bit how it works now...