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About Cremilar

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  1. Cremilar


    The bad thing is I'm moving house so I've had to pack up my modulars and town. The good thing is that I've now decided to have a subway under my next city on my next town build. So using City train 60197 set I've designed my own subway trains. Hope you all like the design, I'll be building the real thing soon. Bugger, Should have titled the topic as MOC Subway Train!
  2. Cremilar

    10255 Assembly Square

    A lot of people are complaining about not being able to seperate the buildings. After having a good look at the pictures you can. instead of building it on the 32 square plate on the left, and the 32x16 plate on the right, Reverse this. You can then have the left building seperate to the other 2 buildings.
  3. Cremilar

    10255 Assembly Square

    i tell you guys something. It'll take something amazing in 2018 to beat this.
  4. Cremilar

    10251 Brick Bank

    Finally, Somewhere safe to keep my Genuine Mr Gold :D