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Mike S

Kaliphlin Times

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By Clive Harper


(Painting is not an actual representation of events.)

Avalonia vs Drow

Rumors have been trickling down to Kaliphlin of skirmishes between Avalonia and Drow. The word is, that the ruler of Avalonia, Artorious Rex, has now officially declared war on the Drow. It seems that Avalonia fears an imminent invasion by the Drow. Avalonian merchants visiting Barqa describe the Drow as merciless cowards, a disaster just waiting to happen. If the Drow are allowed to continue as they are, they say, it is only a matter of time before they leave Nocturnus and seek to conquer all of Historica.

On the other hand, visiting Drow from Nocturnus describe the Avalonians as whimsical flower plucking romantisists wearing tights and say it is for the good of Avalonia that the Drow enslave them. When asked if it is true that they plan to conquer all of Historica, they heartily agree.

Local Kaliphlinian Drow are worried that they will be racially profiled along with their Nocturnal relatives. "We strongly disagree with the action of the Nocturnus Drow," says a local Drow leader. In fact he says, "most of the so called Nocturnus Drow are not even of Drow blood but hideous subcreatures that admire ancient Drow culture." It is of great concern to them that Avalonia has declared war on Drow in general and have not distinguished between the different Drow clans. "We cannot change what our forefathers have done and it is a great injustice to us peaceful Drow to be treated as enemies when we have done no harm to anyone. Just because half our race might be evil does not mean we all are," our local Drow leader claims.

Edited by Mikel Kalores

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Nice little news article :laugh: But there is nothing in there about Mitgardia's and Kaliphlin's stance on the issue, or Nocturnus' for that matter :tongue:

I think the build carries out the insults being thrown around perfectly :thumbup:

Are you going to keep updating the Kaliphlin Times?

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The green legs and the artist face are so funny :tongue: Great scene Mikel

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Great article! Great Idea! I'm thinking there will have to be reports to follow on the stances of the other 2 guilds (Maybe even with interviews? :wub: )

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Thanks for the comments! This was a spontaneous build. I was playing around with different minifig combinations for my Kalores faction and I came up with the spongbob/forester/gnome combo. That got me thinking about the Avalonia/Drow skirmish and the rest of build came to mind. I definately would like to continue with more editions, but I have to have something unique to place in the build for the next headliner. I probably will have some material for another edition when my Drow arrive. In fact ISC might have given me an idea to work with. But right now I'm kind of dead in the water because reporting on Mitgardia and Kaliphlin staying out of the conflict seems kind of boring news to me...

Edited by Mikel Kalores

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What dire news to read over my morning coffee.

And such ghastly (amusing) paintings!

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Love the tights on the Avalonian :thumbup:. Lord Shale said about the incident:

"While I am at this moment unable to confirm or deny any allegiance to either of the forces at war, I can say we foresee this war effort will strengthen the economy of Historica as a whole. Arms and armaments will be required, and the military sector will require to enlist additional personel. The backlash if the Drow wins? Well, we won't have access to the Avalonian grainfields, but I do have some negotiations going with a Mitgardian... No, I don't see a reason to intervene at this stage."

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