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MOC The American Politician

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I had wanted to do this for a while. I'm not a MOC'er, so just to do this little thing is a new experience for me. Try not to hold me to higher standards. Anyway, here's how this story went down.

It was a Monday afternoon, and in the washrooms of the airport, the man in the stall in the corner has been there just a little too long. A person enters the stall next to him. The first man shuffles his foot toward the divider between them.


The second man is no stranger to this activity. He slightly mimics the first man, and also moves his foot toward the divider.


The first man whispers, "I never do this sort of thing." The second man whispers back, "Don't worry, I do." Confidence bolstered, the first man drops his trousers.


"Why don't you come over here?" the man says, voice wavering somewhat. The second man opens the stall door, exits, and coos, "Alright, open up."


The first man opens his door, stammering, "I've never... never... I have a wife and kids..." He avoids eye contact.


"Alright, put your hands in front of... Hey! I voted for you! What the~!" The first man recoils, realizing what's happening.


Within seconds, a 1940's style newsboy pops out to take a pic. "What a scoop! Wait'll the boys in the newsroom set their peepers on these! Smile!"





I actually don't really know how these kind of events go down in real life, but I had fun imagining it :laugh:

The MOC is fairly simple. The toilets were made with Speeder helmets (a technique I think I saw on EB a long time ago, but I don't remember, and google didn't turn up anything). The black thing on the back wall is meant to be a toilet seat cover dispenser. The doors were the most challenging part, having them be thin, but also not have a big hinge on them, so that they could open in a tight space. They are a little flimsy, but a MOC doesn't need to be played with.

Thanks for looking :classic:





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Yes, especially for members of parties promoting "family values" and "traditional marriage." :)

I enjoy seeing little MOCs based on real life stories. Thanks for posting :)

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Awesome action activity alluding at an alliteration!

Quite funny! Reminds me of the SNL sketch from last night. Especialy the part about "open marrige" :laugh:

Great job in building and storytelling!

Scandal on!


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Nice to see LEGO used for the noble purpose of political commentary! Original use of the helmets, too. :thumbup:

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If only this would happen in real life...

oh wait...

This is a fantastic build. Clean. Clever. Amusing.

That puts it as an awesome build in my books.

Don't be down on your skills, this was well done - I couldn't have done better myself.

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Thanks so much for the friendly feedback! Now back to work on something new :wink:

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Seems like this.

Oh yes, he's the prime bathroom politician, but it's also inspired by: (actually a decent guy, I think)

George Alan Rekers

Ted Haggard



I don't think I'll be pushing sex and taboo in LEGO form, but when I saw that mini-fig when I reviewed his set when it came out, that was the first thing I thought. Never trust a man with a mustache.

If I make a diorama where a right-wing politician is caught with their secret gay lover, this is the face I will use. Nice mustache.


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